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A Welcome Message from Our Chairman


It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Alpha Eta Foundation website. We represent the alumni and undergraduate esteem gentlemen of the Alpha Eta chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. at Florida A&M University.

We created this organization as a means and vehicle to fulfil our philanthropic objectives we internally identified. We love our university, FAMU, dearly as much as we love our undergraduate chapter, Alpha Eta; without both we would not be the men we are today. 

We are ecstatic to have you visit our website and we encourage you to immerse yourself in our history, our mission, and our purpose. We hope you find our mission worthwhile that you decide to donate to help us further our cause.

It has been a pleasure sharing this moment with you and we thank you for your time and we look forward to having you as donor.



Chairman Don Remy

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